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Cel Fi Duo Home Signal Booster Installation Help

Jun 09, 2016

Increase your wireless coverage throughout your home or office, limit dropped calls and improve your wireless data performance with Cel Fi Duo Smart Signal Booster. Inside the box you will find an installation guide, the window unit, the coverage unit, two interchangeable power adapters and two wall mount brackets. 

Start with the window unit. Signal from your network tower reaches your home, the window unit collects that signal and passes it on to the coverage unit where it is amplified throughout your house. For this to work, you must have at least one bar of 3G or 4G service somewhere inside your home, but more bars is always better. Use your mobile phone to find the place with the highest bars in your home. This will typically be by a window, upstairs if possible. Make sure you see the 3G or 4G icon on the handset. If you do not see the icon, you may not live in a 3G or 4G coverage area or your phone might not be a 3G or 4G handset that would benefit from the signal booster.

Place the window unit in an area where you find the most 3G or 4G bars available. Plug either one of the power adapters into the window unit and into a convenient power outlet. Make sure the window unit is upright and the display is facing towards the inside of the room. It will take the window unit a few minutes to complete the start-up sequence.

After start up sequence in wndow unit is complete, we can complete set up of the coverage unit. The further apart you put the two units, the better the system will work. It may seem strange, but as you move the window unit and coverage unit apart, the area of improved coverage becomes increasingly large. The larger the home, the further apart the two units should be. Of course it is possible to put the two units too far apart. The coverage unit cannot communicate with the window unit if this happens. You will need to try several locations to find the best one.

Place the coverage unit in an area of your home where you need coverage and plug it in. Wait for the digits of the numeric display to stop scrolling. This could take several minutes. Once the coverage unit has established communication with the window unit, you should see a green icon. If a zero appears on the numeric display, the units are too close together and you need to move the coverage unit farther away from the window unit. If you see a red icon instead of the green one, the units are too far away from each other so you need to move the coverage unit closer to the window unit.

The number on the coverage unit indicates the size of the coverage area. You should try to get an 8 or 9 on the display. If the number is smaller than an 8 or 9, try moving the coverage unit to another location to get a higher number. In smaller buildings, this may not be possible.

After completing above steps, you should have much better 3G or 4G service on your mobile phone. Try walking around your home and make sure you have better coverage everywhere. If there's an area that does not have good coverage, try moving the coverage unit closer to that area of your home and test again with your mobile phone.

You're all done! We hope you enjoy your improved coverage and data performance as a result of your new Cel Fi Smart Signal Booster.

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  • Did I just read 3G? This must be old because I’m not even sure if 3G is around anymore. I have a 4G phone and I’m leaning towards a 5G (I was going to get a cell phone signal booster for my ranch originally). Your editorial staff should consider updating these pages.

    Elena Greenfield on
  • Your site really kicks butt when it comes to delivering information on anything and everything dealing with increasing your cell phone’s power. I might get confused with terms such as cel-fi firmware or brands like cel-fi AT&T, but I know I can find the answers here. You might see what looks like a bunch of gibberish like “cel fi-rs224wu” or “cel-fi-d32-24cu” but you guys make everything so easy to understand. Thanks for the home signal booster installation help. I’m sure there are many happy customers now.

    Aiden Upton on
  • It doesn’t sound difficult to put this cell phone booster in. I’m looking for something to improve my cell phone calls at home. I want clear signals, no dropped calls, and faster data speed whenever I’m using my smart phone. I’m planning on ditching the landline so a cell phone booster seems like a smart addition.

    Aaron James on
  • Cell phone boosters seem like the way to go until cell phone carriers finally catch up with providing strong enough signals to handle our ever-increasing appetite for more data, power, and speed. Another thing I hear helps are DAS installations in bigger buildings like stadiums where you need a different approach to powering up cell phone signals.

    Theo Small on

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