If I have No Cell Service at all, will a Signal Booster help?
An answer to this depends on the cellular service readings you are able to achieve outside the house or building property. If you can achieve a cell phone signal between -50 dB and -110 dB (3G) outside of the building where an antenna can be placed, a cell phone signal booster should effectively improve your cell phone signal inside the building.
However, if the best signal you can receive outside the building is between -110 dB and -150 dB, and you don't have a clear line of sight to a nearby cellular tower within a 20-mile radius for our directional antenna to grab signal, a cell phone signal booster will not improve the situation, regardless of the type or manufacturer of the booster.
Outside best signal spot requires atleast +1 SINR (Signal to Noise Ratio) and RSRP should be better than -110 dBm (3G) or -120 dBm (4G) to be sure the booster will work effectively. Find out how to measure the signal strength in decibels on your cell phone.
What distance from a cell tower will a cell phone booster work?
This is a very vague question because it depends on obstructions that exist between your cellphone, and the nearest cell phone tower. A more precise way to check is to try making a call from several points outside, and around your house. If you can make a call, or there's a cellular tower within atleast twenty miles, most likely a signal booster will be able to help.
- Read related topic: How to improve signal when no signal outside.
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For a custom boosting system design including suggested equipment and installation quote for large residential and commercial spaces, please submit details of requirements.