Northwest Territories (NT) Wi-Fi and Cell Phone Signal Booster Installer
Need wi-fi or cell phone signal booster installer in Northwest Territories (NT)? Contact us for a prompt equipment and/or installation quote within your city in Northwest Territories, Canada. Like the name suggests, the Northwest Territories are located in the northwestern portion of Canada bordering Yukon Territory and Nunavut on the eastern and western sides. The southern border of the Northwest Territories rests upon British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan with the bottom eastern corner just touching Manitoba. It is the only province of Canada to border so many adjoining provinces. And though the territory spans over many of the other provinces, it is ranked third in size with approximately 1,346,106 kilometers squared (Nunavut has 2,093,190 and Quebec has 1,542,056).
The majority of the Northwest Territories are located within the Artic Ocean with a substantial portion of the territory being islands bordering Nunavut. Due to his northern geographic location as well as from the additional winds and low climates of the Northwest territories it is not too surprising that the population of this province would be lower than other areas. According to statistics gained by Canada, an estimated 44,291 people live in this province. To put this in perspective, keep in mind that in Ontario there are 12.8 million people and that in British Columbia there are 4.4 million people. Only the Yukon and Nunavut have lower populations.
Because the population is so rural and due to the island configuration of the province, obtaining and maintaining cellular services and internet services may be a bit of a challenge, especially if you are in a location such as Sachs Harbour. In such remote and rural areas, it is encouraged that residences use an installed cell phone signal booster and/or a wi-fi booster to increase the functionality and efficiency of the device. And while the signal booster cannot create a signal, it can amplify the strength of the signal by finding weak signals which are not typically registered by the cell phone and combine these to make a strong signal. The result of such a “redesign” of the signal is that even in technical dead zones within houses, buildings, and vehicles, a person, depending on the brand and type of booster, may be able to send and receive calls and data. To find out more about cell phone signal boosters or to find a serviceable city for home and car amplifier installation in the Northwest Territories, please see the list below.
Aklavik | Behchoko | Deline | Enterprise | Fort Good Hope | Fort Liard | Fort McPherson | Fort Providence |
Fort Resolution | Fort Simpson | Fort Smith | GamËti | Hay River | Inuvik | Norman Wells | Paulatuk |
Sachs Harbour | Tsiigehtchic | Tuktoyaktuk | Tulita | Ulukhaktok | Wekweeti | WhatÏ | Yellowknife |